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Academic Forms and Applications
TA, and Off Campus Application for 2024-2025 School Year
Please follow instructions in application. A hard copy will be emailed to you after you submit this request. Student is responsible for printing the hard copy and getting the appropriate signatures prior to their meeting with their counselor in January/February.
Students MUST be signed in with their school Google account in order to access the application. Thank you.
Early Graduation Request for Class of 2025
Students in the Class of 2025 that would like to graduate in December of 2024 need to fill out this form prior to their counselor meeting in January 2024.
Students in the Class of 2026 that would like to graduate in June of 2025 need to fill out this form prior to their counselor meeting in January 2024.
Student Government Application - Current Grade 9-11
Students MUST be signed in with their school Google account in order to access the application. Thank you.All students requesting to enroll in Student Government must complete an application and go through the interview process. This includes students wishing to run for an elected position. Students will also need two recommendation forms completed by staff members. -
Student Government Application - Current Grade 8
If you are an 8th grader -- future 9th grader -- with interest in joining the Student Government class or running for a class officer position, complete this application link (click on title) as part of the selection process; there are no interviews for incoming 9th graders.
Health Academy Application
Applicants will fill out the application as well as request two letters of recommendations from teachers.
Dance Student Directors
Junior and seniors wishing to enroll as Student Directors (previously known as "Dance TAs) need to fill out this application and submit by January 31, 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year. Students earning a spot as Student Directors will then enroll in "Dance Choreography" for that semester.
Course Repetition Form - Cs or better
AB 1012 Bill: Unless specified conditions as stated in Edu Code 51228.1 and 51228.2 have occurred, this bill prohibits school districts that include grades 9 to 12 from assigning any student/scholar to courses that student previously completed and received a satisfactory grade [sufficient to satisfy UC/CSU admission and minimum district graduation requirements (grade of “C” or higher)]. This form is a request to Oakmont High School to allow a student to repeat a course they have already received a C or higher in.
Dance 2, 3, 4 and IB
Students must be placed in the class by the instructor. Placements occur at the end of any semester in class at OHS. If a student is NOT in a dance class at OHS, they may email Mrs. Huber ahuber@rjuhsd.us to request an audition. This request should be sent by January 31, 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year.