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Creating Your Going Merry Student Profile

The RJUHSD Local Scholarship Program is posted on the Going Merry

platform at on February 1st each year. You can

create a profile at anytime, so get started today!


How do I get started on Going Merry?

1.   Create an account - go to

2.   Complete your profile – after you log in, click on “My Profile” on the right-hand side or “menu” on the left and fill out as much information as possible in each category. This allows us to match you to scholarships and saves you time later.





screen shot


(Fill in as much of each section as you can)

3.  Add supporting documents – within the “Profile” page, click on “Documents” and then “Upload”. There you can select the document type and upload it from your computer. We recommend that you upload your FAFSA/CADAA Student Aid Report (only need page 1, it has to have the EFC (Estimated Family Contribution in the upper right corner), and letter of recommendation, as scholarship providers will often ask for these documents. If you upload them now, you can then add them to any application you start with one click. 




4.  You will also need your transcript. The College and Career Coordinator at your school will upload ALL transcripts! When you need a transcript, click on the “Request Documents'', then “Request an official transcript”, and then enter your College & Career Coordinator's email address. They will upload your transcript directly into your Going Merry documents folder.

Adelante High School - Kim Wolfe -

Antelope High School - Dina Miller -

Granite Bay High School - Teri Keeney -

Independence High School - Denise Burns -

Oakmont High School - Amy Price -

Roseville High School - Jacquie Seider  -

West Park High School - Grace Luna -

Woodcreek High School - Janelle Lott -


screenshot of transcript



5.   Request recommendation letters – in the lower right corner of the “Documents” page you can also click “Request Recommendation Letter”. After that, you simply fill out your recommender’s email address and click “Send Request”. A lot of scholarships will require recommendations and it may take your recommenders time to write yours. Therefore, we recommend requesting them immediately so they don’t hold you up later.




6.   Check your matched scholarships – now that your profile is complete, Going Merry will match you with scholarships from their database. To view the Local Scholarship Program for RJUHSD seniors, go to the “Menu”, then “Scholarships” on the left-hand menu and make sure the “Show Local Scholarships Only” switch is on. 




6.   Submit an application – you’ll be able to apply for any scholarships on your list. Just click on the scholarship name (you will be able to see if you meet the requirements) and then “Start Application”. Simply fill out the application and hit “Submit”  to apply.

