Designed to give students knowledge, attitudes and decision-making skills to develop and maintain their own healthy lifestyles. The course thoroughly examines the three categories of health; social, mental and physical. In addition, there will be instruction in school orientation; decision-making; the human life cycle; substance abuse; first aid; public safety; accident prevention and disaster preparation.

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    Peer Helping is a leadership course designed to teach the process of helping others. Students are trained to lead and help others through team building, public speaking, peer-counseling & conflict management. Students lead school wide anti-bullying & character workshops along with assemblies on multiple occasions throughout the year. Students provide help to others by being available to support them through active listening, conflict management and caring. Students also help Roseville High and our community through “pay it forward” projects and inside-out workshops. Inside-Out Peer Helping is transformational leadership as we see positive transformation in ourselves, in our school and in our community. If you want to know more, go to the Peer Helping link at our school website. This course may be taken Fall and/or Spring and repeated for credit.

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