- Oakmont High School
- Welcome to Viking Athletics!
Welcome to Oakmont Athletics!
The Oakmont High School athletic department strives to utilize education-based athletics for all students who desire to develop the life skills necessary to earn success in the classroom and in their sport of play. Our coaches are expected to be leaders that will provide purposeful instruction to attain individual and team goals through intentional transformational coaching. This is the Viking Way!!!
OHS Athletics Administration and Staff
Athletic Director Tim Moore tmoore@rjuhsd.us Assistant Athletic Director Paul Martinez pmartinez@rjuhsd.us Assistant Athletic Director Hillery Smith hsmith@rjuhsd.us Assistant Principal, Athletics Sondra Myles smyles@rjuhsd.us Athletic Trainer Carol Astill castill@rjuhsd.us Athletics Administrative Assistant Lupe Ramirez de la Cruz lramirezdelacruz@rjuhsd.us Individual coach contact information is found within the fall, winter, and spring sports sections.