California State Library Tutoring
California State Library Tutoring
The California State Library provides free online tutoring for California K-12 students, available through public libraries. Through HelpNow, live real-time homework assistance is available 24 hours a day by laptop, tablet, or phone from qualified tutors using state curriculum and standards.
24/7 assistance is available in English and Spanish for Language Arts and Mathematics.
Every day between 10:00 am and 10:00 pm, assistance is available in core K-12 subjects in the following languages:
- English
- Spanish
- Mandarin
- Cantonese
- Vietnamese
- Tagalog
Harvey Mudd Homework Hotline
Free math and science tutoring. Open M-Th 6-9pm PST (Sept.-May). Call the Homework Hotline at 1.877.827.5462 or click the link to chat with a tutor!
Real Time Tutoring
Real Time Tutoring
Free online tutoring available to all students in our district!
Roseville public Library 24/7 Help
Roseville Public Library 24/7 Help
Free, online tutoring now available 24/7 from a new pilot program called "Real-time," which offers assistance in Math, Language Arts, and other core classes. There is no age limit to use this service.
West Park: After-School Tutoring
After-school tutoring for any student for any subject.
LOCATION: Student Union
Dates: Monday-Friday
Times: 3:30-4:15Staff Member: Anthony Derris aderris@rjuhsd.us
West Park: Math Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutoring by our own West Park Students! (Flyer)
LOCATION: River Collab Area on 3rd Floor
Before school 7:20-8:20amTuesdayBefore school 7:20-8:20amAfter school 3:20-4:20pmWednesdayNONEThursdayBefore school 7:20-8:20After school 3:30-4:30Friday
Before school 7:20-8:20