• Why would you want to create a shared Google Drive?

    There are a number of great reasons to create a shared Google Drive. The biggest reason, though, is that you want a shared space for a specific job or activity. Take for example creating a shared drive as a department coordinator. You want a place where you, as the department coordinator, can share out information and load files pertaining to a specific curriculum. In this case, you'll want to share some of those files with others, but want them in the same place every time for yourself to manage. 

  • Creating a Shared Drive in Google Drive:

    1.) First head over to https://drive.google.com/drive/shared-drives with your district account signed in. (Fig 1)

    Google Drive "Shared Drives" highlighted and selected.


    2.) From here, you can right click anywhere in the blank space to bring up the "Add a shared drive" option. (fig 2)

    Google Drive Shared Drive section with "New Shared Drive" selected.

    3.) Edit the name of your new Shared Drive (Fig 3)

    New shared drive add a name section

    Congrats! You have now created a shared drive. From here you can manage permissions and group members in the upper right corner of the shared drive.