• NCAA Information and Links

    • NCAA -
      The National Collegiate Athletic Association is a non-profit association that regulates athletes of 1,281 institutions, conferences, organizations, and individuals that organizes the athletic programs of many colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. It is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.
      To be eligible to play sports at a Division 1 and Division 2 college or university, it is required that you register with the NCAA.  Division 3 colleges and universities do not require you to be registered with NCAA.  However, if there is a remote possibility that you will be playing D1 or D2 sports at a college or university, please register with the NCAA.
      For the complete 2017-18 NCAA Guide for the College-bound Student-Athlete, please Click Here
      Click here for the NCAA Registration Checklist
      For more information and to be sure you are on track with NCAA requirements, please see your high school counselor. 
      DIVISION 1 or DIVISION 2 NCAA Eligibility Instructions
      Please meet with your counselor to review courses and eligibility as soon as possible.
      1.  Complete a certain number of core classes (refer to guide - requirements are changing after August 1, 2016)
      2.  Earn a minimum GPA in these courses (refer to guide)
      3.  Earn a minimum score on the SAT or ACT (refer to guide)
      4.  Graduate from high school
      5.  Register and fulfill the requirements associated with the NCAA
      To begin, go to the NCAA Eligibility website for students at http://www.ncaaclearinghouse.com, click on NCAA College-Bound Student-Athletes, read through the "notecards" for instructions.  Be sure to read the Guide for College-Bound Student Athletes (found under Resources or on the second notecard). 
      There is a cost of $70.00 to register.
      ~By the end of your 11th grade year:
      1. Have your official SAT or ACT scores sent to the NCAA Eligibility Center by entering the code '9999' on the test registration form. 
      SAT: http://www.collegeboard.com; ACT: http://www.act.org.  Scores must be sent directly from the testing agency, as test scores reported on the high school transcript will not be accepted.
      If scores are not received by NCAA Eligibility Center, the student's account will not be evaluated, which means that the student may not be able to receive athletic scholarships.
      2.   If you are registered with the NCAA, Granite Bay High School will send your end of junior year transcript to NCAA automatically in June immediately after the end of your junior year. If you haven't registered by May 15th of your junior year, check with Athletics in Student Services upon your arrival back to school in August to request your transcript be sent to NCAA.  One copy of your final junior year transcript will be sent to NCAA complimentary. 

      12th Grade Year:
      1.  On or after April 1st of your 12th grade year, review your amateurism questionnaire and request final amateurism certification.
      2.  If you are registered with NCAA, a final transcript will be sent with proof of graduation to the NCAA the first week of June after graduation.  This will be sent complimentary.
      DIVISION 3 Eligibility Instruction
      1.  Contact your Division 3 college or university regarding its policies on admission, financial aid, practice and competition.  DIVISION 3 does NOT require you to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center.
      If you have any questions, please contact your counselor.