• Looking for resources to help you with your Job Search?
    Visit the CalJOBS website and click on "Find a Job," or consider registering for a free CalJOBS membership to access:
    • Jobs matched to your interests, skills and history
    • Openings that need your talents
    • "Virtual Recruiter" and more!

    Also, check out the
    Job Preparation section of CaliforniaColleges.edu - it includes:
    • Help for creating resumes and cover letters, interviewing and much more
    • Advice from career experts about Job Hunting, Apprenticeships, and Career Planning

    Want FREE, personal, one-on-one help from local employment experts?  Bring your authorization to work documents to the

             Golden Sierra Job Center
             115 Ascot Drive, Suite 140
             Roseville, CA 95661
             phone: (916) 746-7722
             Web site: www.goldensierra.com 

    Need to brush-up your Employability Skills?  Enroll in our FREE Job Readiness Class (email teacher Megan Hoppes for more information: mhoppes@rjuhsd.us)

    Ready to get hired?!  Attend a local Job Fair today!  Click here for more info!

    Looking for a resource to help you get organized for your job search?  Check out this helpful Job-Readiness Checklist!