Phone: 5508


Degrees and Certifications:

Ron Owens

Hello Parents, I started my teaching career here at Granite bay High school in 1998.  The foundation of the my ceramics classes is derived right from The Visual and Performing Arts Framework for California Public Schools.  My goal for each student is for them to develop and expand in their own arts knowledge with techniques and skills to express ideas imaginatively.  I want them to start developing how to express/communicate creative responses to experiences, respect the originality in their own creative expression, and in the creative expression of others.  Also, I want them to understand that art reflects, records, and shapes history by playing a role in every culture.

Attendance is very important for success in this class because I give daily step by step instructional classroom demonstrations. My room is open for make up work or extra help after school, most collaboration Wednesday mornings, and during "Grizz Time". 


Period 1: Ceramics 1
Period 2: Ceramics 2&3
Period 3: Prep
Period 4: Ceramics 1
Period 1: Ceramics 1
Period 2: Ceramics 2/3
Period 3: Ceramics 1
Period 4: Ceramics 1