Phone: 4124


Degrees and Certifications:

Masters Instructional Technology Bachelors Environmental Science Adobe Youth Voices Educator Google Teacher Third Degree Black Belt - Isshinryu Karate

Mr. Mark Hajewski

I am the Media Productions Instructor at WHS. I have come to this via a rather long and winding road. 

I have been teaching in the district since 1997 and teaching overall since 1989. I have a Masters in Instructional Technology and a Bachelors in Environmental Education. I Have been working as a freelance digital designer for over twenty years, connecting with the world of work and applied art. (My bio photo looks a bit serious, but I really do smile.)

While I have taken numerous courses in technology and design, the best learning comes from the hands-on experience that comes with real-world work. And I have to include the hands-on learning that comes from teaching. I have learned so much more because I have students who are motivated and curious. 

Here is a link to the WHS YouTube Channel for a glimpse at projects past and present. (Below)