OHS program of study logos

  • Mission and Purpose

    Oakmont High School is proud to support the Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways.  Please view our OHS CTE Programs video and our Career Technology video both produced by our Media students.  The CTE pathways at Oakmont High School involve a multiyear sequence of courses that combines academic knowledge with technical/occupational knowledge.  Students are given the opportunity to prepare for the workforce through hands-on context aligned to academic content and workplace competencies.  Oakmont High School offers one academy in the Health Careers and four pathways for students: Culinary Arts, Construction Trades, Media Arts, and Graphic Design.


    Assistant Principal overseeing CTE: Sondra Myles
    Email: smyles@rjuhsd.us
    Phone: 916-782-3781



    A CTE Pathway is a sequence of three courses (Introductory, Concentrator, Capstone) in an industry sector. The courses build on the knowledge and skills gained in the previous class, culminating in a Capstone course where students are expected to tackle real-world problems.

    Oakmont High School offers the following programs of study.

    Construction Technology - Joshua Sharp

    Culinary Arts - Melanie Prosser & Carissa Jones

    Graphic Design - Susan Carmon

    Health Academy Program - Wes Muller, coordinator

    Media Arts - Kelly Bohren


    Benefits to taking Career Technical Education courses

    Why Participate in CTE Pathways?

    The mission of California CTE Pathways is to provide industry-linked programs and services that enable all individuals to reach their career goals in order to achieve economic self-sufficiency, compete in the global marketplace, and contribute to California's economic prosperity.

    CTE Pathways will engage every student in high-quality, rigorous, and relevant educational pathways and programs, developed in partnership with business and industry, promoting creativity, innovation, leadership, community service, and lifelong learning, and allowing students to turn their "passions into paychecks" - their dreams into careers.

    Career and Technical Education Facts

    1. Learn real-world 21st century skills that make students career and college ready.
    2. Courses meet a-g requirements for entrance into the UC college system.
    3. Students learn skills like: critical thinking; communication; teamwork; leadership; research tools; creativity; and innovation.
    4. Students who complete rigorous academic core with a career concentration are more likely to pursue postsecondary education; have a higher GPA in college; and are less likely to drop out the first year of college.
    5. CTE courses increase engagement in school by involving students as decision-makers and “owners” of their education process.

    Source: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ct/gi/cteschoolleaderfacts.asp

    Oakmont High School offers CTE Pathways in the following Career Clusters:

      • Arts, Media, and Entertainment
        • Oakmont Media Arts Pathway
        • Oakmont Graphic Design Pathway
      • Building and Construction Trades
        • Oakmont Construction Pathway
      • Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
        • Oakmont Culinary Pathway
      • Health Science and Medical Technology
        • Health Careers Academy Pathway

    It is highly recommended that students enroll in the first course of the pathway in grade 10, the second course in grade 11, and the third course in grade 12.  Students can repeat the third course in their senior year if they take the class in grade 11.  Please read the Oakmont course catalog for specific descriptions about each course and pathway.