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Zoom Security Guide

Here are some tips to making sure that your Zoom meetings are free from distractions

  • Never use your Personal Meeting ID when creating a meeting.

Zoom Meeting ID

  • Require a Meeting Password.


Zoom Require Password

  • Open the "Advanced Options" menu at the bottom of the Zoom app. 

Zoom Schedule Meeting Setting Menu with Advanced Setting Circled

  • Uncheck the "Enable join before host" option
  • Check the "Enable waiting room" 
  • Check the "Mute participants on entry"

If you mute participants on entry you will need to go into the Manage Participants tab and unmute them if you want them to speak. Uncheck this option if you are fine with them speaking on entry.

  • check the "Only authenticated users can join: Sign in to Zoom" (this requires that they log in to Zoom using their district Google account)

Zoom Advanced Options

Waiting Room requires you to "Admit" the user. You admit the user in the "Manage Participants" menu. 

Zoom Manage Participants Highlighted

Zoom Meeting admit participant

If you need to in the Manage Participants tab you can Remove a participant.

Zoom Manage Participant and remove