The mission of WorkAbility is to promote successful transition of students with disabilities from school to employment, lifelong learning and quality of life.
The focus of the RJUHSD WorkAbility Program is to:
- Provide pre-employment skills training, work site training as appropriate and follow-up services for youth in special education who are making the transition from school to work
- Provide career exploration and information to students so that they may make an informed transition to jobs, careers, and post-high school education
- Provide special education students the opportunity to complete their secondary education while also obtaining marketable job skills.
- Assist students to obtain employment in the community as appropriate.
- Assist working students with employment related issues.
The goal of the RJUHSD WorkAbility-1 Program is to prepare students with IEPs to be productive citizens, life-long learners and self-sufficient wage earners.
Employment opportunities are selected after considering the student's skills, abilities, interests, and motivation. Students will be carefully chosen and trained in transition-to-work skills prior to independent placement.
Final determination for placement will be made after work readiness assessments by the Workability staff, student's teachers and/or special education service providers. We are also available to assist students who are already employed.
For more information about the Workability program, please contact:
Crystal Gist
WorkAbility I Program Coordinator
916-771-6565 ext. 4712
More information about the WorkAbility I Program is available through the California Dept. of Education