Curriculum and Instruction
Every Student. Every Day.
Our mission as a C&I team is to empower teachers through connections, collaboration, and coaching.
We provide customized curriculum and instructional services, including career-technical education and dual enrollment pathways, to support our students, schools, teachers, and administrators.
Our experienced team provides leadership, support, instructional coaching, and professional development to improve learning and achievement.
We support all core and elective subject areas at RJUHSD, including social science, mathematics, English language arts, health, world language, physical education, science, and visual & performing arts.
Amy Black
Executive Director
Curriculum & Instruction
Stefanie Quinones
Department Secretary
Allison Carter
Professional Learning Specialist
Co-Teaching, NTI (New Teacher Induction)
Johanna McCoy
Professional Learning Specialist
Literacy, NTI (New Teacher Induction)
Marissa Nowling
Professional Learning Specialist
Math, NTI (New Teacher Induction)
Mike Purvines
Professional Learning Specialist
NTI (New Teacher Induction)