Athlete Eligibility and Grading Periods
- Roseville High School
- Athletic Eligibility and Grading Periods
To encourage and promote academic excellence, all students participating in extracurricular activities shall demonstrate satisfactory minimum progress in meeting the requirements of graduation by undertaking the prescribed course of study and meeting the standards of proficiency established by the District.Requirements
- Must have earned an overall minimum 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 unweighted grading scale during the preceding grading period
- Must have passed three of four classes during the preceding or current grading period. Any student taking only three classes must pass all of his/her classes to be eligible on the 4x4 schedule. A "Pass" grade in a Pass/Fail class is the equivalent of a "C" grade for calculating GPA.
- Citizenship: Clear all fees, fines and book returns; meet training rules and expectations; abide by the handbook guidelines
**Athletes have access to academic probation if they are meeting at least one of the two academic eligibility requirements**
Grading and Eligibillity PeriodsSchools declare at the beginning of the year the grading periods and eligibility declaration days they will use. Eligibility will be declared for each athlete after each school-wide grading period. A student becomes eligible or ineligible for athletic participation only when declared so by the site Athletic Administrator or site Athletic Director.Grades for beginning of the year eligibility for fall sports is based on the previous year's 4th quarter-final grades.Students declared ineligible may practice with the teams only if the coach approves. Ineligible students may not dress, perform or be released early from school to travel to contests, and are not permitted to travel via transportation provided by the school.