• RJUHSD Centralized Technology Purchasing Process

    Effective July 1, 2003

    Technology Services is responsible for all aspects of the centralized technology purchasing process (from requisition entry in Escape through delivery and/or installation of goods/services to the sites).

    All technology items must be approved prior to any purchase, including employee reimbursements, credit cards, online orders, purchases made on existing blanket PO's, ASB orders, etc. regardless of the funding source. For information regarding what requires approval, check out the Technology Purchases Approval List.  All other district purchasing requirements will still apply to this centralized process, including purchasing contracts (i.e. CMAS), bid limits, etc. regardless of the funding source or program.  

    To begin:

    1. Staff communicates need at the site level.
    2. Site determines if items require Technology Services approval or not. Refer to Technology Purchases Approval List if unsure.
      1. If approval is not required, STOP HERE. Process the requisition as you would a non-Technology req and do not continue with this process.
      2. If approval is required, check the Technology Standards Purchasing List to see if the item is currently available and priced with a partnered educational reseller and CONTINUE to Step 3.
    3. Site will prepare a technology requisition.  A fillable PDF copy of the technology requisition can be found here.
      1. If the desired equipment is on the Technology Standards Purchasing List, please indicate so on the req.  This will assist in expedited processing of your requisition.. 
      2. If an item is not included on the Technology Standards Purchasing List, please include supporting documentation explaining the need for that particular unit.  Technology Services will need to follow up with the requisitioner regarding the use and support for items not on the list.

    NOTE:  the Technology Standards Purchasing List lists many of the frequently-purchased items that have been standardized and vetted for use on our district network.  Purchasing from this list will allow expedient processing of your requisitions since it will not require review and approval by Technology Services; however, regardless of whether an item is on that list, all technology purchases must follow the centralized technology purchasing process.  

    • The "requisitioned by (name and phone ext.)" must be completed. These fields will be used by Technology Services to identify the requisitioner in case a question or issue with the order arises (i.e. when ordering non-standardized equipment, vendor requires further information).
    • Don’t forget to code with proper SACS code
    • Obtain all required signatures (Department Head, Fund/Budget Manager, Site AP in charge of Technology, Site Technology Coordinator (if applicable), and Principal.
    • Communicate any special time/delivery requirements (example: an emergency order needed immediately, needed by a specific date, etc. There is a location on the form to indicate as such). You may also contact us via email or telephone ahead of time for such needs.
    • Forward the technology requisition with original signatures via district mail; photocopies and emailed copies will not be accepted. 
    • Once the requisition has been submitted, sent to the vendor for processing, and the order received by Technology Services, applicable items will be tagged and/or inventoried before being delivered to your site. A delivery confirmation via the Helpdesk system will be generated.


    1. Once the requisition has been processed by Technology Services, the designated person (usually the Principal’s Secretary) at each site will receive an email confirmation with a copy of the req (with a VR #) for their records.  They may forward that to the requisitioner at their discretion. Site secretaries will also receive the site’s electronic PO and applicable invoice copies upon payment processing by Technology Services for their records.
    2. All emergency purchases should be communicated to Technology Services prior to processing the requisition. This will allow expedited processing of paperwork and allow all necessary personnel to be notified of priority status of the order.
    3. Please note that all orders are processed to ship to Technology Services as part of the requirements of the centralized technology purchasing process.


Last Modified on November 29, 2023