Finance Office Window
Look for the "Finance Office" sign above the pick-up windows located on the exterior of the Admin Office (Admin Quad).
- Before School 8:00-8:30am (9:00-9:30am on Wednesdays)
- Lunch
- After school until 4:00pm
- Assist with any and all purchases (anything to do with finances).
- We accept cash, check and credit card payments.
- Location pick-up for credit card purchases:
- BSN Store - orders are shipped directly to you.
- ASB Online Student Store - pick up your order from the Finance Office Window.
- Buy your registration purchases, PE clothes, dance tickets, yearbook purchases, spirit wear, dance tickets, parking fees, or anything involving money.
- Pay your fines/obligations for any debts (missing textbooks, damaged Chromebook, etc.)
Student ID Numbers Required:
All students are required to use their ID number to make purchases. Click here for instructions on how to find your Student ID in Aeries/Homelink.
Mrs. Cleveland
Admin Assistant for the Finance Office
(916) 786-2970 x7050