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- ASVAB Exam
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Career Exploration Program (ASVAB CEP) is a multiple choice test, administered by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command, used to measure a student's developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success. It is also used as a qualification for enlistment in the United States Armed Forces. There is no obligation to the Military if a student takes this exam.
Spring 2024 Opportunity for the test is now closed
ASVAB CEP (College Exploration Program Evaluation)
It will happen twice per school year.TBD - October, 2024 & February, 2025
Click here to prepare for the ASVAB Career Exploration Program
- ASVAB CEP: The aptitude test estimates your performance in academic and vocational endeavors.
- FYI: The interest inventory measures your work-related interests.
- OCCU-Find: A career catalog provides activities to help you put a plan together.
- Skills: Identifying your skills and abilities can help you find occupations in which you are likely to be successful.
- Interests: Knowing what really interests you is key to finding a satisfying career.
- Work Values: Understanding what you value about a job is important when exploring various occupations and planning for your future.
ASVAB CEP helps you figure out what YOU ARE good at, what is important to YOU, and the jobs that match YOUR skills and interests. After you take the test, you will participate in a series of activities to help you understand your scores, yourself, and your options.
Fun facts to remember:
. 55% - of high school graduates are either unsure or have no plans to attend college.
. 29% - of people will completely change fields after their first job post-college.
. 1% - is the number of our U.S. population that will wear military uniforms.
. 1/3 rd. of the students attending college change majors at least once.
. 12 is the number of jobs the average person will have.Also, for the undecided, their scores are good for two years. Even after graduation, they can use their scores for military entrance. Note: Although only 1% will serve in the military, 100% of students can benefit from the service the ASVAB test can provide.