• Bullying & Cyberbullying Prevention

    The Board of Trustees recognizes the harmful effects of bullying on student well-being, learning, and school attendance and desires to provide safe school environments that protect students from physical and emotional harm. No individual or group shall, through physical, written, verbal, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, retaliate, cyberbully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any other student or school personnel, or retaliate against them for filing a complaint or participating in the complaint process. In an effort to stop bullying from happening, Roseville Joint Union High School District has developed strategies for addressing bullying in district schools with the involvement of students, parents/guardians, and staff, and depending upon the situation, we also look to collaborate with social services, mental health services, law enforcement, courts, and other agencies, and community organizations to develop and implement effective strategies to promote safety in schools and the community.

    Board Policy 5131.2 Bullying

    Administrative Regulation 5131.2 Bullying

    The Board of Education recognizes that suicide is a leading cause of death among youth and that school personnel who regularly interact with students are often in a position to recognize the warning signs of suicide and to offer appropriate referral and/or assistance. In an effort to reduce suicidal behavior and its impact on students and families, Roseville Joint Union High School District has developed measures and strategies for suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.

    Board Policy 5141.52 Suicide Prevention

    Administrative Regulation 5141.52 Suicide Prevention


  • Online Incident Reporting System

    The Roseville Joint Union School District online anonymous incident reporting system offers students, parents, and community members an online tool to report incidents of bullying, concern for self or others, discrimination and/or harassment, threats to school or students, vandalism or anonymous tips. The Incident Reporting System can be accessed on every school’s main home webpage.  For emergency and/or urgent situations requiring immediate help, please call 9111.

    anonymous reportingWhen making an online report it is not necessary to enter one’s name or identity, however, there is an option to provide identification and contact information.  Photos and links can also be submitted through the online reporting system. The types of incidents that can be reported include:

    • Bullying: acts of bullying include verbal, non-verbal, physical, or emotional acts against another student either in person or online
    • Concern For Self or Others: includes worries that yourself or someone else might cause harm to themselves or has expressed signs of mental health distress
    • Discrimination or Harassment: includes acts against another person on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, age, or personal beliefs either in person or online.
    • Threat to School or Students Report: include risks posted by students or other persons intending to cause harm to the school or those around them
    • Tip Report: includes safety concerns, witnessed acts, or other incidents that would otherwise indicate harm to those in or around the school
    • Vandalism Report:  includes tips related to a vandalism event at any school site.

    Incident reports submitted through the online system are sent to administration immediately and reports are reviewed as soon as possible.  All reports are taken seriously and are acted upon in a timely manner. 

    The Roseville Joint Union High School District is committed to providing a safe, secure and healthy environment that allows every student to be learning in every classroom, in every subject, every day.  The district believes that students and staff have the right to be free of bullying, threats, intimidation, and harassment while on our campus or participating in or being associated with any school/district activity. In Roseville Joint Union, the community is encouraged to “if you see something, or know something, to say something.” 

  • Bully Prevention & Wellness Centers

    The RJUHSD recognizes the need to support the whole student and school-based Wellness Centers provide trained mental health professionals available to students in distress and more importantly to intervene before a crisis happens.  Wellness Coordinators facilitate classroom presentations on the impact of social media on mental health and cyberbullying.


  • Digital Citizenship: Cyberbullying

    The Roseville Joint Union High School District is committed to supporting 21st-century teaching and learning. In compliance with current legal mandates, and as required by the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, “schools must educate minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.”  The District recognized the need to implement a comprehensive program to teach safe, effective, and ethical use of digital-age technologies.  In an effort to clarify what these requirements would look like in the 9-12 curriculum, in 2014 the District Technology Team in conjunction with the district librarians created four Digital Literacy courses that include lessons on the following topics:

    • Safety and Security
      • Safe Personal Relationships: students will understand the parameters of safe online relationships and how to avoid risky online behavior.
      • Safe Commercial Relationships Online: students will learn to recognize and protect themselves against online identity theft, scams, and phishing
    • Digital Citizenship
      • Respecting Self/Digital Footprint: students will understand the scope of their digital footprint, the importance of presenting an authentic and positive image online, and the risks and benefits of assuming online personas
      • Respecting Others/Cyberbullying:  students will be able to identify cyberbullying and hate speech and will demonstrate appropriate responses to these harmful online behaviors to limit their impact. 
      • Respecting Copyright: students will recognize the legal and ethical implications of using the online work of others.
    • Research and Information Literacy
      • Students learn to use effective online search strategies, and how to evaluate websites to determining reliability and credibility