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- Course Change Request Process
As the new school year approaches, the Roseville High School Counseling Department would like to share some information with you regarding class schedules.
The process for creating the master schedule starts early in the spring term for the following school year. At that time, students are given access to course request information and submit their course requests by the end of January. Counselors then meet with students individually in the month of February to finalize the students' course requests.
The RHS master schedule is then built based upon student needs and their course requests. The schedule is constructed so that students are enrolled in courses that meet graduation requirements. Placement in courses that meet college entrance requirements is also considered if that is the student's goal. Every effort is made to schedule students into the additional elective courses they would like to take. However, the master schedule must also take into account the staff and facility parameters that affect the schedule.
The RHS Counseling Department has made every effort to match student requests with available classes. Therefore, there should be no reason for a schedule change unless there is an error on the student's schedule. Roseville High does not consider schedule change requests unless the request meets one or more of the following criteria listed:
- Missing a class period (ex: not enrolled in a 2nd period class)
- Two of the same periods (ex: you have two 1st period classes scheduled but no 2nd period class)
- Wrong level of a course (ex: enrolled in Integrated Math 2 but you never passed Integrated Math 1 with a C- or better)
- Missing a graduation requirement (ex: English class is needed for graduation but not listed on class schedule)
- Missing an "a-g" college entrance requirement (ex: have not taken a foreign language yet)
- Enrolled in a class already completed (ex: you passed the class through Credit Recovery and no longer need to retake it)
- Would like to add an additional academic class if space is available (ex: you would like to add an AP class or math class not previously selected)
Process For Requesting A Schedule Change: (Note: Please DO NOT email or call your counselor to request a schedule change)
Students will have access to view their class schedule in the AERIES portal on August 6, 2024. If their schedule has an error that meets the above criteria, they can submit a schedule change request by following the steps below:
Submit your request by completing this form: RHS Request For Schedule Change (form will be made available August 6th)
Be sure to read the directions on the form BEFORE completing it.
Please remember that we are not able to accommodate teacher change requests, period change requests, or lunch change requests.
If you have more than one request, you must fill out a separate form for each request.
Requests must be submitted online by 11:59pm on Friday, August 9, 2024, in order to be considered. All forms submitted before the deadline will be given consideration.
If your change is approved, you will see it reflected in your AERIES class schedule by the afternoon of Monday, August 12, 2024.
Again, please DO NOT email or call your counselor to request a class change. Simply use the form and continue to check your schedule in AERIES to see if the change was able to be made.
RHS Counseling Team and RHS Administration Team