• One Pill Can Kill Placer - PSA video

    Posted by Shannon Blockton on 12/19/2022

    RJUHSD Families:


    The holidays are a beautiful time to come together with family and friends. Unfortunately, it is also a time that our kids experience anxiety, boredom, stress and other mental health challenges. This time is extremely critical to be talking to your children of the dangers of fentanyl, as the next couple weeks are a time where we see increased issues surrounding mental health and fentanyl-related calls. This crisis is hitting our 14-17 year olds 14 more times than any other age group and is affecting those under the age of 25 at an all-time high. With this in mind, the 1 Pill can Kill Placer campaign created a shortened version of their parent assemblies to give you the resources and information you need heading into the holiday season featuring Placer County District Attorney Morgan Gire, Placer County Health and Human Services Director Dr. Rob Oldham, and local families. You are never alone, Placer County is here to help. Happy holidays from our family to yours.


    Key resources:

    • 1 Pill can Kill Placer -- General information, Narcan information, county resources: www.1pillcankillplacer.com
    • Song for Charlie – videos to watch with your kids, general information: www.songforcharlie.org
    • Granite Wellness Centers – Information and resources on drug addition, mental health needs and family support: www.granitewellness.org/
    • As always, 211 is always available for general questions on any issue 




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