Oakmont HS Student Clubs

    Here at Oakmont, Student Government oversees all Clubs.
    WANT TO START A NEW CLUB??? Contact Barbra Ruth @ bruth@rjuhsd.us

OHS Club Information

Club Name Advisor Advisor Email Meeting Date/Time Meeting Location For more information
AMA Mr. Collison jcollison@rjuhsd.us
Art Club Ms. Martinez nmartinez@rjuhsd.us
ATP Creations Ms. Sandoval isandoval@rjuhsd.us
Best Buddies Isabel Sandoval isandoval@rjuhsd.us Best Buddies Club is designed to connect general education students with students who have intellectual developmental disabilities.
Book Club Ms. Montgomery tmontgomery@rjuhsd.us
Bring Change to Mind Mr. Gillis cgillis@rjuhsd.us
Campus Life Chad Gillis cgillis@rjuhsd.us Campus Life Club is designed to build a stronger community and bring students together.
Chess Alexander Wurden awurden@rjuhsd.us Chess Club is designed to get people interested in Chess and to provide opportunities for people to play Chess.
Coding Alexander Wurden awurden@rjuhsd.us Coding Club is designed to help students build knowledge and skills related to coding, robotics, hardware, and teamwork.
Create Club Mr. Sharp jsharp@rjuhsd.us
Crow Carissa Jones cjones@rjuhsd.us Crow Club is designed to allow opportunities for students to discuss books, creative writing, and other various topics.
CSF Mr. Ginn dginn@rjuhsd.us
Dance Abby Huber ahuber@rjuhsd.us Dance Club is designed to support the Dance program, produce performances, and provide fundraising for events and materials.
Digital Media Mr. Bohren kbohren@rjuhsd.us
Drama Mr. Romero Rromero@rjuhsd.us Drama Club is designed to allow students to meet to discuss Drama and to work on performances.
Dungeons & Dragons Chad Gillis cgillis@rjuhsd.us Dungeons & Dragons Club is designed to provide opportunities for students to play the game and learn more about it.
Esports Alexander Wurden awurden@rjuhsd.us Esports Club is designed to allow students to participate in Esports and learn more about it.
Fashion Club Katherine Sunseri ksunseri@rjuhsd.us Fashion Club is designed to showcase many styles and explore how an individual's style is intertwined with their identity.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes & Ambassadors of Christ Ms. Enrico tenrico@rjuhsd.us Fellowship of Christian Athletes & Ambassadors of Christ Club is designed to bring Christian students together and create a supportive community.
Film and Food Ms. Baldwin lbaldwin@rjuhsd.us
Functional Skills Ms. Bartlett rbartlett@rjuhsd.us
Gardening Carissa Jones cjones@rjuhsd.us Gardening Club is designed to build a better and more interactive health feature that is accessible to all students.
GSA Janette Snyder jsnyder@rjuhsd.us Gay Straight Alliance is designed to create a safe, welcoming, and accepting school environment for all youth, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
HOSA Wes Muller wmuller@rjuhsd.us Health Occupations Students of America Club, also known as Future Health Professionals, is designed to empower leaders and prepare them for careers in healthcare.
Key Club Marcela Kerns mkerns@rjuhsd.us Key Club is designed to provide students with meaningful shared experiences and to promote professional networking skills.
LSU Ms. Yu myu@rjuhsd.us
Mock Trial Michaela Morrison mmorrison@rjuhsd.us Mock Trial Club is designed to provide students with opportunities to practice as well as participate in the annual competition.
Model UN Ms. Larsh mlarsh@rjuhsd.us
NHS Ms. Carlson jcarlson@rjuhsd.us
Norse Notes Ms. Morrison mmorrison@rjuhsd.us
Pickleball Club Mr. Bacchi lbacchi@rjuhsd.us
Robotics Alexander Wurden awurden@rjuhsd.us Robotics Club is designed to provide a welcoming environment that focuses on engineering and robotics.
Science Olympiad Mr. Gillis cgillis@rjuhsd.us Science Olympiad Club is designed to allow students to explore the different realms in science and to prepare for competitions.
Sustainability Ms. Sunseri ksunseri@rjuhsd.us Sustainability Club is designed to inform students how they can positively impact the environment by making small changes in their daily lives and to generate funds to support existing organizations.
Teens 4 Change Traci Montgomery tmontgomery@rjuhsd.us Teens for Change Club is designed to educate students about global issues and promote advocacy and action.
UNICEF Mamadou Balde mbalde@rjuhsd.us UNICEF Club is designed to educate students on the work of UNICEF and to generate funds to support existing organizations.
Unified Sports Cody Holliday cholliday@rjuhsd.us Unified Sports Club is designed to provide opportunities for students who have intellectual developmental disabilities with opportunities to participate in athletic contests.
Weightlifting Hillery Smith hsmith@rjuhsd.us Weightlifting Club is designed to provide students with opportunities to exercise as well as learn about health and fitness.
Women Empowerment Ms. Bruno mbruno@rjuhsd.us Women in STEM Club is designed to empower women leaders in STEM and to form a strong community that encourages young ladies to pursue their passions and desired career paths.